Mayor Janifer Kulmann | Mayor Janifer Kulmann Official Website
Mayor Janifer Kulmann | Mayor Janifer Kulmann Official Website
THORNTON, CO… Thornton Parks and Open Space and the Urban Prairies Project will conduct a BioBlitz event intended to record all living species within a designated area. The BioBlitz is scheduled for Friday, June 2, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Aylor Open Space at Quebec Street and 136th Avenue. "A BioBlitz seeks to document and celebrate the rich diversity of plant species in the area," says Thornton Parks, Recreation and Community Programs Director Doug Romig. "Staff will identify and record the plants they find using a wide range of tools and techniques."
The goal of this BioBlitz is to generate a comprehensive list of all the native plants, animals, birds, and reptiles in Thornton to help guide future conservation and restoration efforts. "By counting all the native plants in Aylor Open Space, 136th Avenue and Quebec Street, we can gain a better understanding of the ecological health of our local environment and identify areas where we can work to protect and preserve our natural resource," says Romig. "It's a great opportunity to expand our understanding of the local environment."
This BioBlitz comes four years after Thornton Parks and Open Space began Naturally Thornton, a natural resource restoration project. "This project replaced traditional grass, such as Kentucky Bluegrass and other thirsty, non-native plants with Colorado native and drought-friendly grasses and wildflowers," says Romig. They have had four years to take root across Thornton, and this survey will see how these natural neighbors are thriving."
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